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Employee Management

Kairos Consulting Advising Business Expert

Employees, and in some case volunteers, are the soul of an business.  Without them, little gets done.  While losing all employees would be a horrible situation, there can be many negative situations with employees that can harm an businesses.  Dissatisfaction among employees can spread to customers.  Bad employees can steal, damage firm property, and produce poor products or services.  The key is getting good employees and keeping them motivated so they act favorably for the business.

There are two issues here:  finding a good employee and keeping a good employee.  There are many companies currently in the market that claim to be able to find the right employee for your company.  Some of these simply analyze resumes and ask a few questions of the candidate.  While these services can help, they really do not get to the heart of finding a good employee.  A plan for finding a good employee for your company must be tailored to your company, not be a one-size-fits-all plan.  KAC can help your company tailor a plan for assessing candidate characteristics that are desirable for your firm and find the right successful employee.

Keeping good employees is also vital for an business.  It is expensive to replace an employee.  There are recruitment costs, interviewing costs, hiring costs, and training costs.  That does not even take into account the knowledge and experience lost with the previous employee.  It is much cheaper to find out what makes employees in an business satisfied than to continue to expend resources in replacing employees.  KAC can help your company find out what motivates your employees, what keeps them in their jobs, and why they like working where they do.  Allowing your employees to feel successful is vital to your business being successful.


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